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Hire & Buy Regalia

If you have a degree from previous study (in NZ or overseas) add all of the items below to wear with a Unitec Stole.

Unitec Diploma Stole
Please use the drop-down box alongside the picture of the stole to choose your qualification stole.

Bachelor or Masters Gown
Gown size is based on your height, choose height range if known.
Note:  If your previous degree was Masters or Higher, please add a message in the checkout page and/or advise us when you pick up.

Please choose your head size from the drop-down options below.

Degree Hood
Click on 'Add Hood Details' button to type in details about your previous degree, e.g. Bachelor of Arts from the University of Auckland (or or NZ Institute, or overseas, please specify).

If you earned your previous degree overseas or outside of the Auckland area, we will do our best to supply a hood to wear which represents your previous degree.  We can supply:

1. A colour match, a hood of a similar colour to the degree colour you wore to represent your previous degree.
2. A hood that is the equivalent of your overseas degree e.g.Bachelor of Business degree from overseas. We will supply you a Bachelor of Business/Commerce hood from a New Zealand University to represent your overseas degree.

Please feel free to call us if you need help with ordering on 09 3581044.

Add Hood

Enter qualification here and we will put in the appropriate regalia. Cost $21.00
Unitec Stole

Unitec Stole

Please choose your qualification from the list on the right
Diploma Stole Type
Hire or Buy
Trencher - Choose your head size

Trencher - Choose your head size

Click the link on the right to see how to measure your head size
Click here for more information
Hire or Buy
Select head size
Unitec Bachelor Gown

Unitec Bachelor Gown

Please select your height range from the list on the right
Hire or Buy
Gown - Masters

Gown - Masters

Please select your height range from the list on the right
Click here for more information
Hire or Buy
My height


Click on the "Add Hood" button to type in details about your previous degree, e.g. Bachelor of Arts from University of Auckland (or overseas, please specify)
Add Hood Details

Add Hood Details

Enter qualification here and we will put in the appropriate regalia.
Cost $21.00

Click here for more information
Hire or Buy


Click here for more information
Hood Pins x 2 - Optional

Hood Pins x 2 - Optional

$10.00 for 2 hood pins. Helps secure hood to gown (keep as a souvenir)
1 hour Personal portrait session incl 1 x 5x7" print - Read full Terms and Conditions by clicking here before ordering

1 hour Personal portrait session incl 1 x 5x7" print - Read full Terms and Conditions by clicking here before ordering


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Contact us:
09 358 1044


map117 George Street
Newmarket, Auckland 1023