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Manukau Institute of Technology Regalia Guide

Manukau Institute of Technology has worked very closely with Academic Dress Hire to ensure the quality of the regalia on hire to students for graduation. This is particularly important for the correct colour of hoods as these are specified in the University’s regulations. Academic Dress Hire then uses the profits generated from regalia hire to support a variety of scholarships, grants and donations at the university and other institutions.

Below you will find the latest tips and guidelines from MIT about what to wear for graduation.

Graduation is a formal celebration of your achievement, and you are encouraged to dress appropriately.

For the graduation ceremony, it is compulsory to wear the correct academic regalia appropriate to your qualification which you arrange to hire or purchase. 
Set MIT Postgraduate    
Postgraduate Diploma set learn more here
Descriptions of Academic Regalia
Diploma/Certificate Undergraduate Gown $38.00
Bachelor Degree Bachelor Gown, Trencher, Hood $80.00
Post Graduate Diploma - No previous Degree Bachelor Gown and MIT Scarf $42.00
Post Graduate Diploma - Previous Degree Bachelor Gown, Degree Hood, MIT Scarf, Trencher $101.00
MBA/Mint Bus, GCBA Masters Gown, MIT MBA Hood and Trencher $80.00

Cultural Dress

You are encouraged to wear culturally appropriate adornment, such as korowai or garlands, over your gown if you wish. The degree hood should be worn over the korowai. 



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